External Links Disclaimer

LAST UPDATED: 1st day of December 2019

Seekislam.sg website contains links to external websites operated by third parties and we have no influence on its content. Therefore, we also cannot assume any liability for the third party site’s content and their accuracy. The respective provider or operator of the third party site is always responsible for the content of the linked site.

It is also critical for users to take necessary precautions, especially to ensure safety from viruses, worms, etc.

Hyperlinks and hypertext links are provided on Seekislam.sg website to allow easy accessibility to the variety of information provided. We accept no liability arising out of the use of such links, including: misuse or misunderstanding of these hyperlinks and hypertext links and web site navigational methods; third party interpretation of data or information which is distributed around the web site and reached using hypertext and hyperlinks; third party understanding of or use of the navigational structure of the site or the interpretation of distributed information on the site.

Seekislam.sg may revise its disclaimer policy at any time by updating this website.