Al-Islah Mosque

Al-Islah Mosque

Building Close-knitted Muslim Families that are Spiritually Enhanced, Progressive, Resilient, & Radiates Blessing to the Punggol Community


From the idea of openness, extended beyond the formal manifestation of visual porosity, accessibility and climatic openness, to the embracing of diverse needs within the Muslim community, Al-Islah Mosque aspires to be a model of openness, reflective of contemporary Islamic aspirations in Singapore. As an integral part of the Punggol Community, Al-Islah mosque addresses its role as an institution to promote religious understanding and community bonding.

Our Vision

Close-knitted Muslim families that are spiritually enhanced, progressive, resilient, radiating blessings to the Punggol community.

Our Mission

To provide educational opportunities for Muslim individuals and families to be progressive and resilient in an environment conducive for spiritual enhancement.

Talks & Classes



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